Tag Archives: smartphone

How to Get the Most Out of Your Phone Resale

If your passion for gadgets is only matched by the pace at which you go through phones, you’ve probably wondered if it’s a good idea to sell your old technology online. Whether you’re an Apple or a Samsung fan, you’ll make your money on a private sale than through manufacturer trade-in programs. Trade Options Of course, your cracked Oppo won’t fetch

Do I Need Insurance for My Smartphone?

Image Pixabay https://pixabay.com/en/iphone-moose-retouch-3d-remix-2390121/ With prices of smartphones increasing by the day, more and more people are considering investing in mobile phone insurance to protect their device and to guarantee that they will get a replacement should something happen to their phone. The smartphones on the top end of the market,

Smartphone Fun: The Benefits of Playing Apps and Games

If you're worried that too much gaming will rot your brain, you can rest easy. Research shows that playing mobile games isn't just okay, but it can actually be good for your entire body. Not only do games sharpen your focus, but they can also improve your sense of wellbeing and help ward off depression. If you thought mobile games were only for kids, it's time

Get High Quality Photos Using Your Cell Phone

Even professional photographers like Keith Springer who have the access to professional equipment don’t underestimate the power to take great photos with smartphones. Some of the newer phones have fairly sophisticated cameras and features to help you get the best pics and combined with some basic techniques you can get some really great results. Here are