Tag Archives: online safety
What a True Website Security Company Aims to Do for You
SiteLock is one of the world’s biggest companies offering website security. They are also the only one who offers this protection based on the cloud. Reading the various SiteLock reviews, it immediately becomes obvious that they stick to their promises, which includes finding and fixing threats, accelerating performance of websites, preventing attacks, and
It Is Always Better to Be Safe Than Sorry
Many people feel intimidated and overwhelmed just to think and plan about their web security plan. The most common reason why they feel this is because they are often not familiar with the important details regarding online protection. However, ignoring this potential threat could probably cost a lot of damage, whether financially, or emotionally, or both. SiteLock
SiteLock wins in Customer Service Reviews
With over 8 million satisfied clients SiteLock has become one of the largest global leaders in website security. Protecting millions of websites every day from hackers, spambots, malicious attempts to steal personal and financial data. No matter the size of your site, it is vulnerable to cyber attacks every minute of every day that it remains unprotected.
Don’t Let a Data Breach Shut You Down
Whether it is a home computer or the computers that run your business, having to worry about data breaches on a regular basis is not the way one wants to live their life.
That said cyber-criminals are definitely on the prowl, with no end in sight to their activities.
So, are you prepared as much as you can be to not let a data breach shut you down?
Avoid Putting Out the Welcome Mat for Identity Theft Thieves
In today’s world of the technology, it is certainly not uncommon for millions and millions of consumers to be spending a fair amount of time on the Internet.
While that can be beneficial in a number of ways, it can also open up the door to possible danger, especially financial.
In a day and age when cyber-criminals are prowling the worldwide web in search