Give Your Business Videos Some Animation
Have you been able to set your business apart from the competition?
If not, there are myriad of ways to go about this, but you need to make sure you give both time and effort to any and all tactics you deploy.
Remember, the competition is likely looking at all means necessary to drum up new business, so you need to be as active as possible too.
From blog content to videos showing your products and/or services in action, give everything and anything you can think of a shot.
Are You Active on Multiple Promotional Fronts?
So that your brand can get the most attention possible, keep these tips in mind as you look to spread the word:
- Website – What consumers see each and every time they visit your website is imperative. Give them a lasting first impression, a first impression where they will want to come back for more and more. Setting the correct tone from day one is not something you can take for granted. Make sure you review your site on a regular basis, looking for any inconsistencies and/or issues that could lead a consumer not to want to visit again;
- Content – Your content is the meat and potatoes of your website, so don’t drop the ball with this important piece of the puzzle. Have content that not only paints you as authoritative and informative in your respective industry, but one that gives consumers a reason to return again and again. In writing and promoting your blog content, you want posts helping consumers with their questions and issues, not self-serving advertorials. Also be sure to write content that leaves a call for action at the end of each post. Finally, don’t be afraid to reach out for guest posters to your site. Having different views and opinions on products and services, not to mention overall trends in your respective industry, gives your blog a well-rounded look and feel to it. On that note, do your best to guest post for other relevant sites. This will help spread the word about your industry knowledge, leading consumers to pay a visit or two to your site;
- Videos – If you’re not using videos on your website, alter that moving forward. Videos give you a great opportunity to tell a story, a story that can lead to increased web traffic and ultimately better sales numbers. Whether you turn to an animated video production company or shoot the videos on your own, videos should definitely be a staple of your brand’s promotional efforts. While shooting and producing your own videos may save you some money, isn’t it better in many cases to spend that extra money, getting the quality your brand truly wants and needs? By adding animation to some or all of your video projects, you get your brand away from yet another video that consumers have undoubtedly seen in one form or another elsewhere. Finally, incorporate some of your staff into your videos from time to time. Many consumers like to put a face with a voice they talk to on the phone or even online. Doing so allows you to humanize your brand better;
- Social media – Finally, never underestimate the positive impact social media can have on your brand, especially when it comes to promoting your site’s content and videos. If you are not already using social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat and others, you are missing out on a golden opportunity to leave lasting online business footprints. As part of your social campaigns, be sure to engage not only consumers, but other relevant businesses. Doing so allows you to potentially increase your follow counts, allowing you to build up a bigger viewing audience. In doing just that, you are able to get your brand in front of more eyes and ears.
Content, videos, social media, these are all pieces of the brand puzzle.
Instead of writing boring press releases, producing lackluster videos, and ignoring the millions and millions of people on different social media venues, be sure to refocus your priorities today.
In doing so, you will put your brand in position to reap the rewards, rewards that can increase those revenue dollars in no time at all.