Tag Archives: women’s issues
Gaming is not just a boy’s world
More girls than ever are discovering the fun that can be had playing video games. At the same time, though this is a growing trend, it is still challenging to find games that feature strong female protagonists. We still live in a world in which the majority of gamers and developers are male. Luckily, many developers realize that gaming is not just a boy's world
Why Aren’t There More Apps for Women?
A recent survey revealed that women not only install 40 percent more apps than men but, more astoundingly, pay 87 percent more for those apps. This means that not only are women much more app hungry then there male counterpart but that they are even more willing to invest money in their pursuit of them.
Therefore, from the standpoint of an app designer
What women Want…. From Tech!
Since the beginnings of the high tech era, this sector of the economy has been dominated by men. With the promotion of careers in this sector being historically dominated by guys, the needs of women when creating this products has often being ignored or appealed to in a very superficial way.
Being 15 years deep into the 21st century though, us women are finally