Useful Leadership Advice From Female CEOs

It is no secret that leaders earn lucrative incomes as a result of their ability to transform organizations. This is especially true for female CEOs who are paving the way for future leaders.

Great leaders are not born; they are developed. If you want to reach your leadership potential, you must heed the advice of current leaders. Here is some useful leadership advice from female CEOs.

Be Bold
Flying under the radar will ensure that you remain a nameless face in a sea of office cubicles. You must be bold enough to take risks even if they make you nervous.

Examples of being bold in your organization include:

  • Asking for a raise
  • Volunteering for additional work responsibilities
  • Initiating conversations with colleagues who are in management

As you decide the bold steps that you want to take, you should not confuse being bold with being pushy. To be bold is to be courageous in the face of fear and apprehension. When you are bold, you take advantage of opportunities without forcing your will on your colleagues.

Pushy people are viewed by others as unpleasantly assertive and forceful. Being pushy is often characterized as a negative trait. This characteristic is offensive, and it will keep you on the lower rungs of the corporate ladder.

Listen and Follow Wise Advice
On your journey to leadership positions, you will encounter wise people who can offer advice to help you navigate through unchartered territory. Be careful to listen intently and follow the advice of wise counsel.

The unfortunate truth is most people talk more than they listen. They want to let people know that they are smart and capable. That is understandable.

However, when you talk excessively without listening, you miss out on the lessons that you can learn from people who have been where you want to go. Make it your goal to use your ears 75 percent more than you use your mouth.

Lead a Cause
Since you know that strong leaders are developed, you must practice your leadership skills. If your job is not a leadership position, you can volunteer to lead committees at your alma mater, religious institution or club.

Resist the urge to wait for a manager to see the leadership potential in you. Believe you can lead and create leadership opportunities for yourself.

Be a Visionary
Strong leaders have the discipline to work steadily until their vision is accomplished. You must be able to look ahead to the future in the face of adversity. Developing a vision for your organization requires that you set long-term goals.

You might not be able to make money fast by having a long-term vision, but you will surely exceed your organization’s financial goals if you stay the course.

Dress for Success
The way you dress sends a message to the people around you. Take a look at your wardrobe and think about the message your clothes convey.

Dressing well does not mean that you have to wear designer suits. However, your attire should be flattering to your body type and appropriate for your office environment.

Being a leader requires you to constantly assess your career strategies. This useful leadership advice can help you get to the top.