Within my job I spend a great deal of time traveling from school t o school, speaking to the students about what they are looking for in a career. Usually the answers to this question are power and money but there are a lot of people who simply look for real rewards when it comes to their career choice. Today I wanted to look into this aspect of being a university
Engineers like V Reddy Kancharla are the ultimate creators who shape the world in which we live, engineering is also one of the most popular majors amongst students in the United States and today we are going to look at just some of the reasons why engineering, as a career, is such a great profession to choose.
One thing which many people
How is your present job hunt going?
If you are like many prospective employees, you are all over the Internet job ads, not to mention checking those out in newspapers and other periodicals. You are probably also following up on some word-of-mouth recommendations you got from friends or family.
Whether you are presently employed (though looking for another
Choosing a career in computing is becoming a popular choice for women because there are so many opportunities and options becoming available. Due to the onward march of technology and the way in which it is affecting our daily lives to a far greater extent than ever before, your chance to work in various roles in the world of computing is now an achievable
Hi I’m Maya! Internet Geek Girl is a tech blog and deal hack resource for Womankind! Check back frequently for fresh content about all the nerdy stuff that’s usually only written for men.